What we're doing to help you deal with SPAM Print

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We have the following programs setup server wide to help prevent spam, phishing scams and viruses. Any viruses and phishing scams will be automatically deleted before getting to your inbox.

Find out more about how you can control these options. 

ClamAV - www.clamav.net

SpamAssassin - spamassassin.apache.org

MailScanner - www.mailscanner.info

DCC - www.dcc-servers.net/dcc/


  • All high scoring spam will be deleted before it gets to your in box.
  • Questionable spam will be marked as spam.
  • Virus attachments will be deleted.
  • You will have white and black lists you can access to remove or keep any emails that come to you.
  • Phishing emails will be clearly marked as dangerous.


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